
Traditional growing of grapes and making of wine is for us reverence, respect, enthusiasm but also proud of our work.

Templářské sklepy Čejkovice (Templar Wine Cellars of Čejkovice) is the producer and distributor of highest quality wines. The  company resides in the largest wine region of Czech Republic, in South Moravia.

The history of Čejkovice winery is associated with the arrival of a mysterious order of the Templar Knights in the thirties of 13th century. The first written evidence of the order's existence has been recorded in 1248. They promtly built a strong fortress and huge wine cellar in dimensions unmatched in our region in the 13th century.   A new epoch of wine growing has begun in the Čejkovice region and its vicinity. The Čejkovice region has been ruled by many different Dynasties and Orders over the past centuries such as the Noblemen of Lipa, the Vickovci Dynasty, the Jesuits, and the Habsburgs. In 1936 the first wine-making union was founded that has been followed by its successor - Templářské sklepy Čejkovice, wine cooperative since 1992.

Traditional and modern wine making methods and innovations are well harmonized. Such kind of quality is even further enhanced during the aging process occurring in oak barrels and afterwards in bottles stored in dark corridors of the templar cellars. We can offer to our customers wide assortment of high quality wines of diverse wine categories, such as archive wines, predicated, reserve, varietal, ice and straw wines. 

The exclusivity of our wines is emphasized by the labels made out of handmade paper and the original handprinted seals of the Knight Templar order. Furthermore the promotional articles and special gift packaging create an overall marketing strategy. The assortment of wines distributed under the brand of Templar Wine Cellars of Čejkovice will satisfy even the most exacting wine lovers.

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